Welcome to My Blog
The blog posts contain reviews, stories about my photography adventures and other news.
First snow in Stockholm
Click the image to view a larger version. About a month earlier than we are used to the first considerable amount of snow covered Stockholm during the last two days. With a temperature of just below zero (C) it makes for a beautiful crisp white blanket covering the...

How to create an HDR photo from a single image file
Although HDR photography has increased in popularity over the last few years, it is still very much a debatable technique. You either love it or you hate it. Honestly, I have not been a big fan myself until recently. Very often I regard the final results to be...

Worldwide Photo Walk 2012
Last weekend it was time again for Scott Kelby's Worldwide Photo Walk. On Saturday, October 13th 2012, it was the fifth time the walk was organized and the second time I participated. This time we had a fully booked group with 50 photographers joining our Stockholm...

Hammarby Canal – new panorama photo
A new panorama photo has been added to the featured gallery "Panorama". Click the image above to view the large version. The photo was taken from Skanstulls bridge in southern Stockholm and shows Hammarby canal. The left side of the photo is overlooking south-east...

Nikon announces the Nikon D600 Digital SLR
Today the Nikon Corporation announced the release of the Nikon D600 FX-format digital SLR camera. The D600 is the smallest, least expensive full frame DSLR currently on the market, aimed directly at enthusiast photographers. The D600 is built around a 24MP, 36x24mm,...
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